MRK = Rosemark Grips
“MRK” is the Rosemark Grips official Korean trademark.
In 2015 Rosemark Golf changed it's trade name to “Rosemark Grips”and began filing trademark rights in several countries around the world.
Unfortunately, a dishonest market competitor saw the opportunity to file the “Rosemark Grips” trademark in Korea, as well as stealing the logo and signature artwork.
As a result of this action Rosemark Grips now produces and sells official Rosemark equipment in the Korean market under the trademark “MRK”.
All “Rosemark” branded equipment sold in Korea are counterfeit goods and in violation of several global patents.
Please support the True Rosemark Grips brand in Korea by buying “MRK” grips from our licensed distributor and Official Partner, Mr. Seo Jung Moo at Hanul Company
Mark Cokewell
CEO Rosemark Grips